Pick a table and join the discussions
Wednesday, Nov 7
Come join 2 x 25 minutes of informal roundtable discussions to get answers on your specific questions or help others by sharing your expert knowledge.
Each table has no more than 10 attendees and is assigned a specific topic and moderator. First come first served: you don’t get to see who’s at the table until you get there.
After the initial 25 minutes are up, you get to pick another table for the next 25 minutes of discussion.

Pick a table and join the discussions
Location: Moesgård 1
Project Leadership - Why aren't we agile yet?
Building a search app that works
Digital analytics - How do we show the value?
Digital commerce - trends and perspectives for 2019
Location: Moesgård 2
Goodbye middle management
Open Innovation
Slowing down to go faster: leading through listening
Social media crisis: How to make ambassadors out of haters
Location: Moesgård 3
Starting a blog in 2018 - who’s crazy here?
UX: Responsive after all those years
Video: Best & Next Practices
Virtual collaboration - how do we ensure engagement?