Business Development
Business development has moved beyond what we used to call digital transformation. Using digital to manage the right portfolio of suppliers and organizing the internal team is still important priorities, but the focus of this track is how to bring these elements together in order to create sustainable innovation and develop products and services that customers value. This entails looking closely at every corner of the organization and not just making them digital - but having them work digitally towards benefiting the customer. This involves balancing risks and rewards and analyzing the organization in depth, which will be at the center of this track.
9.15 – 10.00
The democratization of marketing technology — citizen developers, citizen integrators, citizen data scientists
In the past marketers had to go through IT for the marketing tools they need. Today marketing technology is widespread, easy to adopt and use. It’s been taken out of the hands of IT, and placed into the hands of practically everyone in the organization.
This keynote explores at the possibilities and challenges that new MarTech - with the introduction of artificial intelligence - is giving marketers.
10.00 – 10.30
Coffee, tea & networking
10.30 – 12.00
Future of search and digital user behaviour
From mobile to voice, social media to augmented reality, the increasing pace of change in digital distribution channels can make it hard for organisations to separate the opportunities from the dead ducks. Ian will show you the latest trends, and connect them to actionable decisions you can make today. You’ll leave with a deeper understanding of how digital user behaviour is shaping the search landscape, and the new opportunities for building stronger relationships with your customers.
12.00 – 13.00
13.00 – 13.45
From hierarchy to network in large organizations
How to organize effective digital business development teams
How to set up and manage productive cross functional teams across corporation
The role of leadership in a highly autonomous team structure"
Storebrand's purpose is to help our customers get a future to look forward to. We're doing it by helping them to make choices that gives them a better pension – simply and sustainable. Building and developing the relationships with our customers through digitalization is one of our main means of fulfilling this purpose. Simply put, in my unit, Storebrand Digital Business Development, we have to create digital services that our customers love.
Since customer needs and customer jobs-to-be-done are fluid, we need flexibility in our internal structure to better and more quickly adapt to changing environment. This is what we will address in this session.
13.45 – 14.00
Coffee, tea & networking
15.00 – 15.30
Coffee, tea & networking
15.30 – 16.30
The future of mobile
What are the current trends in the realm of mobile? What trends are creating actual value, and where should we look to for inspiration? Silicon Valley is outdated, but simply looking “east” will quickly leave you disorientated.
Based on real world examples and cases, this session will provide you with an overview of current and future trends within mobile as well as give you inputs for how you can use them to create value in your organization.
16.30 – 16.45
Coffee, tea & networking
16.45 – 17.30
Town Hall Debate
Join expert panelists in an engaging, fast-paced debate on key issues for 2018 and beyond
2 conference participants will go pro and con for 2 minutes each on a series of important questions in the community, and we invite you to join in. Audience members will be invited to provide 2-minute rebuttals
An opportunity to learn more about hot topics - with a minimum of hot air.