9.15 – 10.00
The democratization of marketing technology — citizen developers, citizen integrators, citizen data scientists
In the past marketers had to go through IT for the marketing tools they need. Today marketing technology is widespread, easy to adopt and use. It’s been taken out of the hands of IT, and placed into the hands of practically everyone in the organization.
This keynote explores at the possibilities and challenges that new MarTech - with the introduction of artificial intelligence - is giving marketers.
10.00 – 10.30
Coffee, tea & networking
10.30 – 12.00
Future of search and digital user behaviour
From mobile to voice, social media to augmented reality, the increasing pace of change in digital distribution channels can make it hard for organisations to separate the opportunities from the dead ducks. Ian will show you the latest trends, and connect them to actionable decisions you can make today. You’ll leave with a deeper understanding of how digital user behaviour is shaping the search landscape, and the new opportunities for building stronger relationships with your customers.
10.30 – 12.00
Collaborative content: tools to improve communication and content outcomes.
We are often so busy doing "what we've always done", that we miss opportunities to rethink current approaches to content. However, through better communication, we can create ongoing relationships across silos to keep teams aligned.
A common language and agenda for change make it easier for teams to work together, measure impact, and build momentum. Clearly defined governance allows teams to develop a foundation for how decisions are made and supported. Together, these activities support new systems around the people and the process to develop and sustain change.
This mini-workshop will share facilitation and consultative tools to use for team planning sessions. You'll get to practice techniques that drive collaboration and encourage alignment to create better customer outcomes through content.
You'll learn how to:
Use an assessment tool to understand the current state of your collaboration and readiness for change
How to structure a mini-session with the team to start conversations about targeted content needs
Different tools to help build engagement around collective content leadership at all levels of the organisation
10.30 – 12.00
On Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality and bridging the real and virtual world
In this session, I will present VR, AR and MR technologies. More so, the possibilities and value that can and soon will be derived from these technologies on a society-wide scale.
Virtual reality - as is often the case with new technology - sounds exciting, but we are still struggling to understand how it can be implemented in the real world of our organization and provide business value. What is the journey that is lying ahead of us with regard to implementation and value creation? And how will this journey disrupt our work and the oh so familiar concept of IT?
This session will focus on discussions in the room as well as real life (virtual) examples - and possibly a demo.
10.30 – 12.00
The modern digital workplace and the remote collaborative team worker – cultural impacts, and how to manage it effectively.
We will lead an interactive session to examine how modern digital workplace tools and work practices can support remote working teams. From examining the benefits of enhanced collaboration and productivity, the ability to help remote and mobile workers feel less isolated, to the potential downsides if the corporate culture is not prepared for this new way of working, and what happens if it is not managed appropriately. Tools and software will be discussed, but this session will not be an in depth look at one particular tool set or software platform. Instead this session will be a workshop format, and attendees will be invited to address a number of topics working together in small groups; feeding back to the overall group, and discussing their experiences and ideas."
10.30 – 12.00
Leadership, creating a context for personal growth.
Psychological development isn't just for children, adults do it to. If employees are willing I believe that organisations should be facilitating their growth.
We will follow the story of Robin's career from graduation to leadership. Along the way we'll check-in with Robin's worldview and how this affects their approach to completing tasks. We'll circle back and retell the story from the perspective of the organisations Robin works in, assess the corporate perspective and the interplay between the two. Finally I'll introduce you to my view on adult development, what it looks and feels like, and some models that help us to understand what's going on. Throughout the session we'll be running small group processes that encourage growth itself!
12.00 – 13.00
13.00 – 13.45
From hierarchy to network in large organizations
How to organize effective digital business development teams
How to set up and manage productive cross functional teams across corporation
The role of leadership in a highly autonomous team structure"
Storebrand's purpose is to help our customers get a future to look forward to. We're doing it by helping them to make choices that gives them a better pension – simply and sustainable. Building and developing the relationships with our customers through digitalization is one of our main means of fulfilling this purpose. Simply put, in my unit, Storebrand Digital Business Development, we have to create digital services that our customers love.
Since customer needs and customer jobs-to-be-done are fluid, we need flexibility in our internal structure to better and more quickly adapt to changing environment. This is what we will address in this session.
13.00 – 13.45
Human Intelligence and Search Analytics
It is no secret that analytics in general, and search analytics in particular, can help organizations better understand their users' intent and achieve desirable business outcomes by taking appropriate actions based on these insights. While approaches such as AI and machine learning have a part to play in this regard, not everyone is prepared to make the investment to adopt such tools. For this reason, while we will touch upon AI/ML, this session will focus more on tackling analytics and optimizing search using "human" intelligence. I guarantee there will be no rocket science or magic bullet solution presented, rather you will learn about:
- harvesting analytics to feed your search engine
- getting the most out of your existing search engine
- taking full advantage of many search optimizations before you start using AI/ML
Related Ressources: Interview Ravi Mynampaty on why search applications fail
13.00 – 13.45
Cybercurriencies and blockchain
Blockchain is a lot more than Cybercurriencies, but what are the 5 most important benefits from Blockchain and DLT for the financial market?
Tokenization of real assets, leveraged by Blockchain, might fundamentally change the way banks work in the future. This session presents real world examples and discusses the implications and possibilities for all of us working with digital and tech.
13.00 – 13.45
Office 365 for 40.000 users: What we’ve learned
Customers, business partners and employees are demanding modern, reliable and easy-to-use Services . The previous Microsoft workplace had hardly changed over the past 10 years, giving us the motivation to take a big step and rollout a completely new workplace generation.
We decided to rollout Office 365 in order to reduce complexity and cost, enhance functionality and prepare users for the increasing digitization. I will share insights on the implementation and discuss our key learnings from the process. One focus of this presentation is how to empower users and keep managers quiet!
13.00 – 13.45
Re-working work - Creating principles and practices which get the best out of people.
There is a huge push to hire the smartest and brightest. But what if it turns out that a room full of smart people doesn’t equate to success? This talk is for people who think that the way we work can be improved. The ones who believe that organisations can do more to get the best out of their people - that everyone deserves a chance to fulfill their potential.
Based on recent research, we will discuss what organisations are doing to activate the workforce. We look at the shift from corporation to networks, the importance of teaming (more than just being in a team) and understanding change at the most basic level - in terms of motivation and behavior. A mix of behavioral science, analytics and a dose of pragmatism - we talk about ways to create a better work-life balance.
13.45 – 14.00
Coffee, tea & networking
15.00 – 15.30
Coffee, tea & networking
15.30 – 16.30
The future of mobile
What are the current trends in the realm of mobile? What trends are creating actual value, and where should we look to for inspiration? Silicon Valley is outdated, but simply looking “east” will quickly leave you disorientated.
Based on real world examples and cases, this session will provide you with an overview of current and future trends within mobile as well as give you inputs for how you can use them to create value in your organization.
15.30 – 16.30
Six maxims for digital communication
1. Switch from reach to relevance
2. Use automation
3. Shift from sender to receiver
4. Understand the inequality of participation
5. Balance between hierarchy and networks
6. Make them believe with a powerful plot
Related ressources: Article on the six maxims for digital communication by Georg Kolb and Martin Paludan
15.30 – 16.30
Robotics Process Automation: Very easy to start, but not so easy to scale
A look into scaling software automation as a service provider in the public sector. We will address the challenges - and discuss the solutions.
15.30 – 16.30
Co-Creating a Collaborative Culture
To tap the full potential of a modern workplace, you need an open and collaborative culture. Too bad this can’t just be downloaded with the newest office upgrade!
A BASF initiative takes a co-creative approach: Employees build their values with Lego® Serious Play®. Culture Hackers are spreading the new behavior in their organization. Join this session if you want to work out your own Culture Hack!
15.30 – 16.30
How can the modern manager ensure accountability while also promoting trust?
The increased specialisation and lack of skilled resources has shifted the focus of management from control to trust. This has led to a weakening of traditional hierarchies and control mechanisms. Leaving us searching for new ways to ensure accountability
By better using data and behavioural design, much needed control processes can become less visible while still ensuring control. Integrating the best of the two methodologies
16.30 – 16.45
Coffee, tea & networking
16.45 – 17.30
Town Hall Debate
Join expert panelists in an engaging, fast-paced debate on key issues for 2018 and beyond
2 conference participants will go pro and con for 2 minutes each on a series of important questions in the community, and we invite you to join in. Audience members will be invited to provide 2-minute rebuttals
An opportunity to learn more about hot topics - with a minimum of hot air.